Route Center Overview

Route Center displays Routes with a status of Not Scheduled, Scheduled, Call Scheduled and Completed with a variety of actions based on the route status. Calls are presented by selected routes with a status of Not Scheduled, Scheduled, Completed, Finished and Billed with various options based on the call status. Also see Route Center Video Tutorial and Related Tasks.




Route selections will populate the Routes grid based on either the default display or specified criteria.

The Routes grid display can be changed to specific criteria:

  • Route #: Enter 3 digit route number for all days for this route or Enter 4 digits for a specific route day for this route.
  • Date: Current date, today, yesterday, all dates, specific date or date rante.
  • Route Type: All or specific route type available.
  • Status: All, not schedule, scheduled or completed.
  • WO#: Work Order number will recall the route for the entered work order number.


The Routes grid will update based on your selected criteria:


Route selected in the Routes grid will display associated calls in the Calls grid.

Route Actions for Status: Not Scheduled

Right Clicking on a route not scheduled in the routes grid offers a menu of actions to perform on the selected route.


Print & Schedule This Route: Only the selected route will be printed and/or scheduled. Option to modify truck, driver and/or helper.


Print & Schedule Routes: Multiple routes can be printed and/or scheduled. Option to modify truck, driver and/or helper.


Print Work Orders: View and print scheduled work orders for all or specific routes and call types.


Export Route: Export the selected route to a specified output file based on specific parameters.


Import Route: Load a route from an output file.


Display Map: View a map of all geomapped stops on the selected route.


Route Status: Call Scheduled

When a route is Not Scheduled but there is a Call-In created on that route, the status changes to Call Scheduled. However, the route is still Not Scheduled but will have a status of Call Scheduled. Call-In's will display as Scheduled in the Calls grid. All routed calls will remain Not Scheduled. Once the route is scheduled, the route status and all calls in the grid will become Scheduled.

Route Actions for Status: Scheduled

Right Clicking on a scheduled route in the routes grid offers a menu of actions to perform on the selected route.


Reprint Route: Reprint a single or multiple route with all, scheduled or changes only. Option to modify truck, driver and/or helper.


Print & Schedule Routes: Multiple routes can be printed, reprinted and/or scheduled. Option to modify truck, driver and/or helper.


Print Work Orders: View and print scheduled work orders for all or specific routes and call types.


Print Manifests: Manifests for calls on the route will be printed.


Disposal Tickets: View or edit existing non-billable disposal tickets on the selected route. Create new non-billable disposal tickets for this route.


Enter On-Board Weights: On-Board Weights can be entered for calls on this route to an On-Board facility.


Complete: Perform Route Completion for all or a range of calls on the route along with production statistics, call details, disposal tickets, miscellaneous transactions, container actions, customer issues, service terminations and view the route completion summary.


Process Route Exceptions: Unfinished calls can be selected and moved to another route.


Remove From Scheduled: Route status can be changed from scheduled to not scheduled if there are not finished or completed calls on the route.


Resequence Calls: Calls within the selected route can be moved from the original sequence to a new sequence. Note: Resequenced Scheduled Calls is temporary until Set as


Permanent Route Order action is completed.


Set as Permanent Route Order : If Resequence Calls action is performed on the route, the call sequence can be set as the permanent order.


Update Status: Truck, driver and helper can be updated. Route can be temporarily stopped and a note can be added for reference.


Android Communication Status: View the connected and disconnected android communications by truck. Connected vehicles will indicate the last contacted date and time.


Display Map: View geomapped stops on the scheduled route with the option to print directions. Click on a map pin to view the call details.


Route Audit Report: Generate an audit report of the selected route with call details and a production data summary.

Route Actions for Status: Completed

Right Clicking on a completed route in the routes grid offers a menu of actions to perform on the selected route.


Print & Schedule Routes: Multiple routes can be printed and/or scheduled. Option to modify truck, driver and/or helper.


Print Work Orders: View and print scheduled work orders for all or specific routes and call types.


Disposal Tickets: View or edit existing non-billable disposal tickets on the selected route. Create new non-billable disposal tickets for this route.


Enter On-Board Weights: On-Board Weights can be entered for calls on this route to an On-Board facility.


Modify Production Data: The existing route production data can be modified by sequence. Edit the vehicle, driver, start/end times, odometer, engine hours, fuel, downtime, driver & helper clock-in/out.


Reverse Completion: A completed route can be reversed and returned to a scheduled status as long as there are not any billed calls on the route. Note: If billable or non-billable disposal tickets are associated with the route, they will be deleted.


Route Downtime: Add or edit downtime by reason after the route is completed.


Set as Permanent Route Order: If Resequence Calls action is performed on the route, the call sequence can be set as the permanent order.


Display Map: View geomapped stops on the completed route with the option to print directions. Click on a map pin to view the call details.


Route Audit Report: Generate an audit report of the selected route with call details and a production data summary.


Create Route Plan: Route plans for route modeling can be created or edited with the calls on the selected route pre-populated and allowing you to define the Route Plan Details.


Unassigned Calls

Route Center will display a count of current Unassigned Calls awaiting placement on a route.

  1. Click on the Unassigned Calls in the upper right corner to open Dispatch Center.
  2. Right click on a single or multiple calls to Assign to a Route.
  3. Select the Route Date and Route Number to apply the Unassigned Call(s) and save.


Route Center Calls

The calls grid will populate with the calls associated with the selected route in their current status of Not Scheduled, Scheduled or Completed. The calls grid in any status can be sorted and re-sized by any column header.


Not Scheduled Calls

Right Click on a Not Scheduled call to perform additional actions.


View Call Details: Call Maintenance window will open and allow for the review and modifications to call details, preview or print work orders, map, containers, history and staged calls.


Preview or Print Work Orders: Generates the work order on the selected call to be previewed or printed.


Customer/Site Notes: Add a new customer/site note or review existing notes.


Display Map: View the geocoded map pin of the call location.


Reroute Call: Selected call can be moved to another route in Routing Assistant.


Cancel Unscheduled Call: Cancel the call on the selected route. Call status will change to Cancelled and appear in the grid in red. The call will print on the route sheet as --Not This Week-- when scheduled.


Add New Call for Service: Routing Assistant will open and allow a new call for this service to be added to the current or other route by specified lifts and activity.


Schedule a Call-In: Schedule Call In will open and pre-populate with date, customer/site/service, route and activity from the selected call. Fields can be modified as needed. Additional call will be added according to the selected criteria.


View Site/Service Messages: Site, Service and Driver Messages can be viewed and edited.


View Service Details: Customer Explorer Service Details will open.


Scheduled Calls

Right Click on a Scheduled call to perform additional actions.


Complete: Scheduled calls can be completed individually or in a range by selecting Complete .


Modify Call: Call Maintenance window will open. Various fields within the call tabs can be viewed and modified.


Preview & Print Work Orders: Generates the work order on the selected call to be previewed or printed.


Print Manifests: Print Manifests for the selected call.


Customer/Site Notes: Add a new customer/site note or review existing notes.


Enter Destruction Date: Manifest Destruction Dates can be entered for generated manifests. Option to sort by State and/or Delete Manifest.


Display Map: View the geocoded map pin of the call location.


Disposal Tickets: Review and/or edit existing billable disposal ticket for this call or enter new disposal ticket.


Stage Call: Staged Call Maintenance window will open for the selected call. Review or Add staged call.


Process Route Exceptions: Calls Requiring Action can be reviewed in a grid of calls with an option to Move Selected calls to another route.


Finish: Finished Call entry can be added or edited as well as any applicable container actions.


Delete Call: Selected call can be deleted along with associated disposal tickets and miscellaneous transactions.


Move Call: Selected call can be moved to another route.


Schedule a Call-In: Schedule A Call-In for the service on the selected call pre-populated with the current service details which can be edited as available.


View Site/Service Messages: Site, Service and Driver Messages can be viewed and edited.


Add Customer Issue: Create a customer issue for the selected call. Current call date, route and sequence will be pre-populated and can be edited as available.


View Service Details: Customer Explorer Service Details will open for review.


Finished Calls

Scheduled calls that have been finished on the route will display with a Finished status awaiting route completion.


Completed Calls

Right Click on a Completed call to perform additional actions.


Modify Call: Call Maintenance window will open for the Completed call. Various fields within the call tabs can be viewed and modified.


Modify Production Data: Completed production data for unbilled calls can be modified.


Preview & Print Work Orders: Generates the work order on the selected call to be previewed or printed.


Customer/Site Notes: Add a new customer/site note or review existing notes.


Enter Destruction Date: Manifest Destruction Dates can be entered for generated manifests. Option to sort by State and/or Delete Manifest.


Display Map: View the geocoded map pin of the call location.


Route Downtime: Enter downtime or review and edit existing downtimes.


Disposal Tickets: Add new disposal ticket or review and edit existing disposal tickets on the selected completed unbilled call.


Stage Call: Staged Call Maintenance window will open for the selected call. Review or Add staged call.


Delete Call: Selected call can be deleted along with associated disposal tickets and miscellaneous transactions.


View Site/Service Messages: Site, Service and Driver Messages can be viewed and edited.


Add Customer Issue: Create a customer issue for the selected call. Current call date, route and sequence will be pre-populated and can be edited as available.


View Service Details: Customer Explorer Service Details will open for review.


Completed Route with Billed Calls

Right Click on a Completed Route or Completed Call to perform limited additional actions on calls that have been billed.


  • Modify Production Data can still be added or modified on the completed route.


  • Modify Call will not be available.


  • Non-Billable disposal ticket can be added to the route.


  • Existing billed disposal tickets on a call cannot be modified.


  • Billable disposal tickets can be added to a billed call to be included on the next invoice.


Schedule Routes

Complete Route


Route Modeling

Maintain Route Numbers

Moving Calls Between Routes

Resequence Calls

Resequence Scheduled Calls